On Carcavelos Beach you´ll find a little bit of Portugal, especially around the Estoril Coast. We will give you information on where to go, what to see, our history, our traditions, invite to visit our museums and monuments, atend our cultural and Sport events. We will give you our famous recipes from our fantastic gastronomy, and know and then we will share a little bit of our favorite things. We hope you’ll enjoy the journey. Thank you and welcome to Carcavelos Beach.


A new way to discover the Sea.
Uma nova forma de descobrir o Mar.

Come 2 Sea is dedicated to organizing tourist Tours in Estoril Coast and pretends to offer all visitors a different and unforgettable expirience on board Sublime.

A Come 2 Sea é uma empresa dedicada à organização de passeios na Costa do Estoril e que pretende oferecer a todos os visitantes uma experiência diferente e inesquecível a bordo do Sublime.

See the Estoril Coast, observe the sea bottom and discover a new way to see the Sea, on board the Sublime.
A bordo do Sublime observe a Costa do Estoril e o fundo marinho e descubra uma nova maneira de ver o mar.

Marina de Cascais (Partida)
Estoril (30min)
Estoril-Guia (60min)
Oeiras (60min)
Lisboa/Docas (90min)

Shop and Ticket Sale /Loja e Venda de Bilhetes :
Marina de Cascais, Loja 10

Tel/Fax: +351 214 861 911
Email: geral@come2sea.pt
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